The EBSCOhost Entitlement API makes research easy by providing access to full text content from EBSCOhost full text databases.





Explore the Code Samples

The EBSCOhost Entitlement API Code Samples section provides code samples to show how to use our API.  A code sample is available for the EBSCOhost Entitlement API resource in five different languages.  We provide a sample in Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python and cURL for the endpoint.  The Code Samples section shows the EBSCOhost Entitlement API endpoint.  Click on the language tabs to view the code sample for each language.  Using the Code Samples as guidance, you can get started quickly with EBSCOhost Entitlement API.  Browse our Code Samples section to see code for the endpoint.  Then, move on to the Clone a Code Sample section to create your first code sample consuming EBSCOhost Entitlement API.