The EBSCOhost Entitlement API makes research easy by providing access to full text content from EBSCOhost full text databases.





Use the API Reference

Our interactive API reference allows you to try our services. For each resource, the interactive documentation provides you with the following:

  • URL
  • Description
  • Parameter list
  • Ability to try each resource with different parameters
  • Ability to see the response to a specified request

Interact with our services and see the responses that you can expect back from the service.

To Use the Interactive API Reference:

  1. Navigate to the EBSCOhost Entitlement API Reference
  2. Click the Green Authorize button.

    The Authorize button will obtain the access token.  You will be prompted with a window to enter a Client ID and a Client Secret.

    Note:  You will need to use the Authorize button and obtain an access token in order to try any of the resources in the EBSCOhost Entitlement API Reference.

  3. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret in the fields provided.
  4. Click Authorize

    You will see the message AUTHORIZATION IS COMPLETE when the process is finished.
  5. Click the Return to Documentation button. 

    The API Reference now has an access token.  You will now be able to try the resources with the "Try it out" button.
  6. Click your desired resource.  The details for the resource unfold below the resource URL.  A description, successful response format and parameters are listed. 
  7. Click the Try it out button.

  8. Enter the parameters that you would like to try in the Description column.  You must enter a parameter for the fields that are marked required.

  9. Click the Execute button.  The interface makes a request to Entitlement API with your desired parameters and the access token.  The Request URL, response code, and response body for your parameters are displayed below the Execute button.