Environment and Rate Limits
We support a sandbox environment and a production environment. The sandbox environment allows you to test your API client code. You need your EBSCO credentials to access the sandbox environment. For the LinkIQ service, you need your customer profile to access the sandbox environment. The sandbox can be used for testing the various API functions in a secure environment. All of your testing and development should be completed in the sandbox environment.
LinkIQ requests to the sandbox environment should be made to:
LinkIQ requests to the production environment should be made to:
Rate Limits
A rate limit is the number of requests that a customer ID can make within a given time period. Rate limits ensure that EBSCO maintains a high quality of service. These limits help us provide the most reliable and scalable API for our partner developer communities.
Rate Limits Per Minute
- Live Rate Limit per Customer ID - 500 requests per minute
- Sandbox Rate Limit per Customer ID - 500 requests per minute
Rate Limit Error
When a customer ID has reached their rate limit, LinkIQ will return an API response with an HTTPS Code of 429, Too Many Requests, with the following JSON body:
"message": "Limit Exceeded"
Updated 11 months ago