
All requests to PublicationIQ must contain a valid Publication Finder customer profile. A profile password is optional. If a password is supplied, it must be a valid password assigned to the Publication Finder customer profile. If the password is omitted, the request will only be honored if the Publication Finder customer profile allows guest access in the environment where you are making the request. For example, if you would like to make a request to PublicationIQ in the sandbox environment without a password, guest access must be enabled for the Publication Finder customer profile in the sandbox environment. The same is true in the production environment. In order to gain access to the PublicationIQ sandbox environment, please contact EBSCO customer support.

The Publication Finder customer profile is specified as a path parameter and must be specified as described below:

profile{Unique customer profile as a string in the form of customerid.groupid.profileid}

Sandbox Environment


Production Environment

 GET ttps://{profile}/...

Request additional information about authenticating to PublicationIQ to further evaluate how a PublicationIQ subscription can be utilized within your system.

Please be sure to include a valid Publication Finder customer profile with every PublicationIQ request.