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Get an Article by Article ID

The NAH Reference Center API GET an article by article ID endpoint returns an article by an article ID.  Before you can execute an article call, you must have an 'Authorization' token which is entered into the request header. 

To Perform an Article Request (example):

Gather the following information for the request:

  • An access token. Please see Use the Client Credentials Grant for further information.
  • The ID of the requested article. This will be the t-number or a chunkId.




The response below is used for all NAH Reference Center articles.  Not all fields will be returned.  All article responses will first contain an id, title, and links field.    Article responses can include images and/or videos. These can include the title, copyright and a link to the actual image or video. By default, the image URL is a link to a full resolution image that is optimized for the browser making the request.  The link is valid for 24 hours and should not be cached. The caller can alternately request that secure URLs (https) be returned by specifying that secure=true in the request. Image size(s) and poster size(s) of the video can also be requested. For some use cases, non-expiring media links are required.  In this case, mediaLinksFormat can be set to "server", which will return a secure link to the image or video in its original size.  The link will include the file type.  If a video is returned, it will return a poster of the video in the poster's original size. By default, mediLinksFormat is set to "browser", and does not need to be specified.

  "id": "t904163",
  "title": "Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC): Managing in Patients with Cancer",
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""
  "metadata": {
    "title": "Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC): Managing in Patients with Cancer",
    "description": "Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC): Managing in Patients with Cancer",
    "revised": "2016-02-26T00:00:00.000Z",
    "lastModifiedDate": "2017-06-20T00:00:00.000Z",
    "DC.Format": "XHTML",
    "DC.Language": "en",
    "DC.Identifier": "GUID-85695AD4-011B-424F-8F37-0340C895D843",
    "alternateTerms": [
      "Managing in Patients with Cancer: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)"
    "copyright": "(C) Copyright 2024",
    "dbAn": "0000904163",
    "publisherPlace": "Ipswich, Massachusetts",
    "patientAgeMin": "0",
    "patientAgeMax": "120",
    "gender": [
    "nursingSpecialty": [
      "Oncologic Nursing"
    "visible": "True",
    "seeReferences": [
      "Managing in Patients with Cancer: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)"
    "subject.major": [
      "Cancer Patients//"
    "subject.minor": [
      "Education, Continuing (Credit)//"
    "medicalCodes.ICD-9": [
    "medicalCodes.ICD-9-CM-D": [
    "medicalCodes.ICD-9-CM-P": [
    "medicalCodes.ICD-10-CM": [
    "medicalCodes.ICD-10-CM-D": [
    "medicalCodes.ICD-10-CM-P": [
    "medicalCodes.ICD-10-CAN": [
    "medicalCodes.RxNorm": [
    "medicalCodes.SNOMED": [
    "medicalCodes.LOINC": [
  "toc": [
      "title": "What is Managing Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) in Patients with Cancer?",
      "anchor": "GUID-361EE199-381F-4E2B-9E1E-F19476F7BE0E__WHAT_IS_PROCEDURE_"
  "sections": [
      "anchor": "GUID-361EE199-381F-4E2B-9E1E-F19476F7BE0E__PDF-IGNORE",
      "content": "<div class=\"section\"><span class=\"data\" property=\"sec-type\">pdf-ignore</span><p class=\"p\"><strong class=\"ph b\"><a property=\"ArticleLink\" class=\"xref\" href=\"article://T904164\" target=\"_blank\">Link to Skill Competency Checklist</a></strong></p><p class=\"p\"><strong class=\"ph b\"><a property=\"ArticleLink\" class=\"xref\" href=\"article://T910855\" target=\"_blank\">Link to Interactive Skill Competency Checklist</a></strong></p></div>"
  "ancillary": {
    "pubType": {
      "id": "NursingPracticeAndSkill"
    "contributors": {
      "authors": [
          "contributorType": "authors",
          "degrees": "RN, BSN, OCN",
          "firstName": "Morgan Nicole",
          "lastName": "Holle"
      "editors": [
          "contributorType": "editors",
          "degrees": "RN, PhD, FAAN",
          "firstName": "Diane",
          "lastName": "Pravikoff"
      "reviewers": [
          "contributorType": "reviewers",
          "degrees": "RN, MSN, CCRN",
          "firstName": "Kathleen",
          "lastName": "Walsh"
    "multimedia": [
        "mediaType": "image",
        "content": [
            "links": [
                "rel": "external",
                "href": ""
            "title": "Units of Packed Red Blood Cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma, and Platelets",
            "copyright": "Copyright© 2014, EBSCO Information Services.",
            "mediaHost": "Cloudinary",
            "description": "Procedures / Units of packed red blood cells (RBCs), fresh frozen plasma (FFP), and platelets."

Error Response Codes

The NAH Reference Center get an article endpoint by article ID can return one of the error response codes.