Fetch Transfer Token
The Dynamic Health POST /user/transfer-token endpoint returns a transfer token. The purpose of the transfer token is to facilitate seamless authorization between various EBSCO products.
The endpoint requires a valid Access Token. A valid ID Token is desired, but it is not required.
The parameter toProductId is the name of the product the consumer wants to transfer to. The value of toProductId must be one of the following values: "dmp", "dmx", "dhe", or "dcd".
POST https://apis.ebsco.com/medsapi-dynamic-health/v1/user/transfer-token?toProductId=dcd
{ "transferToken": "aaaaaa.bbbbbbb.ccccc.ddddd" }
The transfer token can then be used like this: https://www.dynahealth.com/cme/?transfertoken=<transferToken>
Error Response Codes
The Dynamic Health POST transfer token endpoint can return one of the error response codes .