Get a Custom Article by ID
The Dynamic Health EBSCO Partner API GET /content/custom-articles/{id} endpoint returns a specific custom article for a given customer. The request must include the customerId query parameter, the id of the article and an 'Authorization' token for the request header.
{ "id": "C306256", "title": "Admission and Discharge Articles for our Org", "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "" } ], "customer": { "id": "customer-one" }, "description": "Description of the article", "purpose": "Purpose for the article", "redFlags": [ "Do not do this if..." ], "supplies": [ "syringe" ], "preProcedureSteps": [ "Sterilize the needle" ], "procedureSteps": [ "Steps 1..." ], "postProcedureSteps": [ "To cleanup after this process..." ], "patientFamilyEducation": "string", "documentation": "List any required documentation for the procedure", "notes": "Any other comments" }
Error Response Codes
The Dynamic Health EBSCO Partner endpoints can return one of the error response codes.