Obtaining Option Information
The options that you can use with EDS API are defined by your EBSCO customer account in EBSCOadmin. Use the /edsapi/rest/info endpoint to obtain option information. From the option information, you can determine which limiters you have defined for your EBSCO account. You can also determine which sort options and search fields that you can use with your profile. You can use the data returned from the /edsapi/rest/info endpoint to construct a search interface.
When you retrieve option information for a profile, the response contains the sort options, search fields, limiters and expanders available to the profile. Before calling the /edsapi/rest/info endpoint, you need to create a session token for the profile that you are using.
Endpoint URL for Obtaining Option Information
GET https://eds-api.ebscohost.com/edsapi/rest/info
POST https://eds-api.ebscohost.com/edsapi/rest/info
Data Parameters
To Use the Info Endpoint:
Gather the following information for the request:
Parameter Name | Description | Required/Optional | Parameter Type | Format | Default | Example Values |
x-authenticationToken | Token identifying the caller. | Required | Header | string | - | d15544f3-4bb6-4e8f-9106-99dc53003da5 |
x-sessionToken | Token identifying the session this call is in relation to. | Required | Header | string | 4cc009f9-6acd-4a82-ab9f-0401392431a4.kL9OvDK8pTL7x5YDaaCyzg== |
/edsapi/rest/info supports application/xml or application/json.
GET http://eds-api.ebscohost.com/edsapi/rest/info
"Label":"Date Newest",
"Label":"Date Oldest",
"Label":"All Text"
"Label":"Subject Terms"
"Label":"Apply equivalent subjects",
"Label":"Apply related words",
"Label":"Also search within the full text of the articles",
"Label":"Linked Full Text",
"Label":"References Available",
"Label":"Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals",
"Label":"Publication Date",
"Label":"Available in Library Collection",
"Value":"Catalan; Valencian",
"AddAction":"addlimiter(LA99:Catalan; Valencian)"
"Value":"Dutch; Flemish",
"AddAction":"addlimiter(LA99:Dutch; Flemish)"
"Value":"Slavic languages",
"AddAction":"addlimiter(LA99:Slavic languages)"
"Value":"Spanish; Castilian",
"AddAction":"addlimiter(LA99:Spanish; Castilian)"
"Label":"Find all my search terms",
"Label":"Find any of my search terms",
"Label":"SmartText Searching",
"Label":"Exact Match Publication",
"Label":"Did You Mean",
"Label":"Auto Correct",
"IncludeImageQuickView": {
"Id": "ImageQuickViewResults",
"Label": "Image Quick View Results",
"DefaultOn": "n"
"ExportFormatSettings": {
"AvailableFormats": [{
"Id": "RIS",
"Label": "RIS Format"
"CitationStyleSettings": {
"AvailableStyles": [{
"Id": "mla",
"Label": "MLA"
"Id": "chicago",
"Label": "Chicago/Turabian: Author-Date"
<InfoResponseMessage xmlns="http://epnet.com/webservices/EbscoApi/Contracts" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Label>Date Newest</Label>
<Label>Date Oldest</Label>
<Label>All Text</Label>
<Label>Subject Terms</Label>
<Label>Apply equivalent subjects</Label>
<Label>Apply related words</Label>
<Label>Also search within the full text of the articles</Label>
<Label>Linked Full Text</Label>
<Label>References Available</Label>
<Label>Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals</Label>
<Label>Publication Date</Label>
<Label>Available in Library Collection</Label>
<Value>Catalan; Valencian</Value>
<AddAction>addlimiter(LA99:Catalan; Valencian)</AddAction>
<Value>Dutch; Flemish</Value>
<AddAction>addlimiter(LA99:Dutch; Flemish)</AddAction>
<Value>Slavic languages</Value>
<AddAction>addlimiter(LA99:Slavic languages)</AddAction>
<Value>Spanish; Castilian</Value>
<AddAction>addlimiter(LA99:Spanish; Castilian)</AddAction>
<Label>Find all my search terms</Label>
<Label>Find any of my search terms</Label>
<Label>SmartText Searching</Label>
<Label>Exact Match Publication</Label>
<Label>Did You Mean</Label>
<Label>Auto Correct</Label>
<Label>Image Quick View Results</Label>
<Label>RIS Format</Label>
<Label>Chicago/Turabian: Author-Date</Label>
If there is an error that affects only the CitationStyleSettings element, an empty CitationStyleSettings element will be present.
"AvailableSearchCriteria": {
"CitationStyleSettings": {}
<InfoResponseMessage xmlns="http://epnet.com/webservices/EbscoApi/Contracts" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
The response can be XML or JSON. The response format is defined by the Accept value set in the HTTP header. If the Accept value is not present in the HTTP header, the Content-type value in the HTTP header is used. The AuthTimeout value in the response is in seconds.
Best Practices
The option information for a profile changes only when you or customer satisfaction makes a modification to your profile setup. Since the options for a profile change rarely, make this call infrequently and cache the results, or call it asynchronously so search performance is not impacted. In addition, the /edsapi/rest/info endpoint doesn’t apply to just one user. So, it is reasonable to create a session for obtaining option information, then end that session. You don’t need to end the session at that point, but you need to end it before the user leaves. The /edsapi/rest/info endpoint does not need to be called for each session or search as it returns customer-level configuration settings which don’t change frequently. We recommend calling it hourly so that configuration changes flow through to the UI in a timely fashion.
Updated 3 months ago