Retrieving an Exact Match Publication
The exact match publication feature of EDS API allows you to return a publication that matches a search term. To use this functionality, you must enable Full Text Finder for the account in EBSCOadmin, and institutional holdings must also be populated in EBSCOadmin.
An additional parameter must be added when searching with the /edsapi/rest/search endpoint to return an exact match publication. You can specify whether the exact match publication should be returned along with the search results from EDS API. This setting can be found under the Viewing Publications tab of the edsapi profile in EBSCOadmin. The setting is Show Publication Finder Exact Match Placard on EDS Result List.
Obtain the value of the Show Publication Finder Exact Match Placard on EDS Result List setting by making a call to the /edsapi/rest/info endpoint.
Endpoint URL to Obtain the Setting
Response with the Setting
<Label>Exact Match Publication</Label>
The value of the setting is returned in the AvailableRelatedContent section of the response in the Type element. If the DefaultOn value of the response is y, then search requests to EDS API should also include the parameter relatedcontent=emp (Type value) or use the action provided. In this example, the action, includerelatedcontent(emp), is found in the AddAction element of the response.
Search Request to Return an Exact Match Publication
Search Response Returning an Exact Match Publication
<RecordFormat>EP Display</RecordFormat>
<Label>Exact Match Publication</Label>
In the response message, if an exact match exists, the publication will be returned in a new section of the response called RelatedPublications with a Type of emp.
Updated 4 months ago