A sample Python library for authenticating, opening a session, and searching with EDS API is provided below. While this is a simple demo, it may be beneficial to standardize the functions and their names. This may pave the way for libraries to be written in multiple languages while preserving the functionality and function names. This could eliminate the need for developers to learn how to use each library separately.
This module provides a basic Python binding to EDS API, allowing one to:
- Authenticate with a UserID and Password
- Open and close a session
- Perform a search with results returned in JSON
- Pretty print the JSON
import PyEDS as eds
eds.authenticateUser('USERID_GOES_HERE', 'PASSWORD_GOES_HERE')
#eds.authenticateFile() #alternative to using authenticateUser() and openSession()
#uses values in JSON config file argument(default="config.json")
#sample "config.json" file:
"EDS_config": {
kittens = eds.advancedSearch('{"SearchCriteria":{"Queries":[{"Term":"kittens"}],"SearchMode":"smart","IncludeFacets":"y","Sort":"relevance"},"RetrievalCriteria":{"View":"brief","ResultsPerPage":10,"PageNumber":1,"Highlight":"y"},"Actions":null}')
puppies = eds.advancedSearch('{"SearchCriteria":{"Queries":[{"Term":"puppies"}],"SearchMode":"smart","IncludeFacets":"y","Sort":"relevance"},"RetrievalCriteria":{"View":"brief","ResultsPerPage":10,"PageNumber":1,"Highlight":"y"},"Actions":null}')
cubs = eds.basicSearch('cubs')
piglets = eds.basicSearch('piglets', view='brief', offset=1, limit=10, order='relevance')
print 'Some search results with the EDS API ...'
print '\n"kittens" advanced search as original JSON:'
print kittens
print '\n"puppies" advanced search as original JSON:'
print puppies
print '\n"kittens" advanced search as JSON with indentation and non-ascii escaping:'
print eds.prettyPrint(kittens)
print '\n"cubs" and "piglets" basic searches as original JSON:'
print cubs, piglets
print '\nGoodbye.'
- add more options to basicSearch() like "facets", "search mode", "fulltext", "thesauras", etc.
- can't hurt! :-]
- consider adding an authenticateIP() function that uses the IP authentication method.
- deal with expired tokens, etc.; see:
import urllib2
_EDS_ = {}
def authenticateUser(UserId, Password):
'''Authenticates user with an EDS UserId and Password.'''
auth_json = '{"UserId":"%s","Password":"%s","InterfaceId":"WSapi"}' %(UserId, Password)
req = urllib2.Request(url='';,
req_open = urllib2.urlopen(req)
req_results =
req_results_dictionary = eval(req_results) #convert JSON to dictionary.
_EDS_['AuthToken'] = req_results_dictionary['AuthToken']
_EDS_['AuthTimeout'] = req_results_dictionary['AuthTimeout']
def openSession(Profile, Guest, Org):
'''Opens the EDS session with an EDS Profile, the Guest value ("y" or "n"), and the Org nickname.'''
sessionOpen_json = '{"Profile":"%s","Guest":"%s","Org":"%s"}' %(Profile, Guest, Org)
req = urllib2.Request(url='';,
req_open = urllib2.urlopen(req)
req_results =
req_results_dictionary = eval(req_results)
_EDS_['SessionToken'] = req_results_dictionary['SessionToken'].replace('\\/', '/')
def closeSession():
'''Closes the EDS sesssion.'''
sessionClose_json = '{"SessionToken":"%s"}' %(_EDS_['SessionToken'])
req = urllib2.Request(url='';,
def authenticateFile(config_file='config.json'):
'''Uses values in JSON config file to authenticate *and* open a session.'''
config = open(config_file, 'r').read()
config = eval(config)
config = config['EDS_config']
authenticateUser(config['UserId'], config['Password'])
openSession(config['Profile'], config['Guest'], config['Org'])
def basicSearch(query, view='brief', offset=1, limit=10, order='relevance'):
'''Returns search results using basic arguments.'''
search_json = '''{"SearchCriteria":{"Queries":[{"Term":"%s"}],"SearchMode":"smart","IncludeFacets":"n","Sort":"%s"},
''' %(query, order, view, limit, offset)
return advancedSearch(search_json)
def advancedSearch(search_json):
'''Returns search results using the full EDS search syntax (JSON).'''
req = urllib2.Request(url='';,
data=search_json, headers={'Content-Type':'application/json',
req_open = urllib2.urlopen(req)
req_results =
return req_results
def prettyPrint(json_string):
'''Returns a pretty-printed, UTF-8 encoded JSON string with escaped non-ASCII characters.'''
import json
dictionary = json.loads(json_string, encoding='utf=8')
return json.dumps(dictionary, ensure_ascii=True, indent=2, encoding='utf-8')
Updated about 1 year ago