Publication Finder
Publication Finder is a feature of Full Text Finder, the new library holdings and link management service which includes a knowledge base, holdings management tools, and a fully functional link resolver. Full Text Finder is available for all EBSCO Discovery Service customers as part of EBSCO's discovery platform. The Publication Finder endpoints provide customers the ability to search for publications designated as part of their collection in the Holdings Management module in EBSCOadmin.
The Publication Finder endpoints require that all calls have both session and authentication tokens. These tokens are obtained by making calls the one of the authentication methods and creating a session. The tokens are specified in the HTTP header when making a Publication Finder request.
Searching for Publications
Search is used to find a list of specific publications. The result of this call is a list of publication records matching the search criteria with additional filtering criteria available. See Searching for Publications for more information.
Obtaining Search Criteria
To obtain other search criteria available, such as the available sorts, search fields, and limiters to specify in a search request, call the Publication Search Criteria method. See Obtaining Search Criteria for more information.
Updated 12 months ago