MEDS API Documentation Title



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Retrieving Articles by Slug (Deprecated)

The DynaMed API GET  /content/{slug} endpoint returns the article matching the slug provided.  The slug to retrieve is a required parameter for the endpoint.

This endpoint is deprecated and will not provide any new content fields. Instead use /content/slug/{slug}

To Get a Basic Article (example):

Gather the following information for the request:



The request above is for slug /condition/acute-heart-failure.  The response is the same as if queried by Article ID, with the exception of the self link.


The request above is for article t115279.


  "id": "t115279",
  "title": "Acne",
  "slug": "/condition/acne",
  "links": [
      "href": " for slugs",
      "rel": "self"
  "metadata": {
    "DC.Coverage": [
      "PediatricsDermatologic disorders"
    "DC.Date.Created": "2017-06-27",
    "DC.Date.Revised": "2019-07-29",
    "DC.Format": "XHTML",
    "DC.Identifier": "GUID-944EB57C-4546-4A61-924E-713D3A3DB473",
    "DC.Language": "en",
    "DC.Publisher": "EBSCO Publishing",
    "DC.Title": "Acne",
    "DC.Type": "topic",
    "DC.rights.owner": "(C) Copyright 2023",
    "abstract": "Acne is a chronic skin condition characterized by noninflammatory open and/or closed comedones and inflammatory lesions.",
    "copyright": "(C) Copyright 2023",
    "description": "Acne is a chronic skin condition characterized by noninflammatory open and/or closed comedones and inflammatory lesions."
  "toc": [
      "anchor": "GUID-3E2BB624-A1C1-4C77-BF7A-19789BD87180",
      "children": [
          "anchor": "OVERVIEW_BACKGROUND",
          "title": "Background"
      "title": "Overview and Recommendations"
  "sections": [
      "anchor": "GUID-3E2BB624-A1C1-4C77-BF7A-19789BD87180",
      "children": [
          "anchor": "OVERVIEW_BACKGROUND",
          "content": "<html>...</html>",
          "title": "Background"
      "content": "< html>...</html>",
      "title": "Overview and Recommendations"
  "tableContent": {
    "content": "<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\"?>< table>table data</table>"
  "ancillary": {
    "algoritmIds": [
    "consensusDetails": [
        "anchor": "GUID-342C5BB2-451B-44EA-977C-EC127205856A__CONSENSUSDETAIL",
        "consensusNote": "<div>Content referenced with...</div>",
        "consensusPanel": "<div>Panel participants:</div>"
    "contributors": {
      "": {
        "affiliationText": "\"The Skin Clinic, Massachusetts, United States",
        "conflictsText": "Dr. Elpern declares no relevant conflicts of\\n interest.",
        "degrees": "MD, MPH, FACP",
        "firstName": "David J.",
        "label": "Topic Editor",
        "lastName": "Elpern"
      "revisedDate": "2017-06-27"
    "description": "Acne is a chronic skin condition characterized by noninflammatory open and/or closed comedones and inflammatory lesions.",
    "headerMetadata": {
      "boxedWarnings": [
          "heading": "Intravenous (Powder for Solution)",
          "warnings": [
            "Hypersensitivity Reactions Including Anaphylaxis"
      "classes": [
      "routes": [
    "imageIds": [
    "multimedia": [
        "content": [
            "copyright": "Copyright 2023, Luke Danaher. Video courtesy of Luke Danaher and Used under licence.",
            "description": "Diagnostic Approach to Cystic Lung Disease",
            "links": [
                "href": "",
                "imageSize": "medium",
                "posterSize": "small",
                "rel": "external",
                "type": "poster"
            "mediaHost": "cloudinary",
            "title": "Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. "
        "mediaType": "video"
    "pubDate": "2018-06-29",
    "pubType": {
      "id": "condition",
      "title": "Skill"
    "referenceLinks": [
        "anchor": "GUID-C22B30D6-C077-4BDE-8547-F6C9F2DAE88A__AAD2016",
        "description": "<li>Eichenfield DZ<div data-title=\\\"JAMA 2021\\\" data-transform=\\\"full-text-container\\\" data-value=\\\"34812859\\\"><a href=\\\"\\\">PubMed Abstract</a></div>.</li>"
    "revisedDate": "2019-07-29",
    "videoIds": [

Images within Articles

When an article has images, each image resource will contain a link to a full resolution image that is optimized for the browser making the request.  The image link is only valid for 24 hours. The caller can alternately request that secure URLs (https) be returned by specifying the secure=true parameter.

Specifying Image and Video Image sizes

Links to images of varying sizes may be returned in the article response. To specify the image size, add one or more imageSize query parameters to the call.  small (200w), medium (500w) and large(1000w) image sizes are supported.  Also, the full image size is supported and is the default if no image size was specified. A still image of the video (aka thumbnail or poster) can also be returned with the video. To specify the size, add one or more posterSize parameters to the call. Small, medium, large and full sized images of the video will be returned. To distinguish the video and video link in the response, a type parameter is added and is set to "poster".

For some use cases, non-expiring media links are required. In this case, mediaLinksFormat can be set to "server", which will return a secure link to the image or video in its original size. The link will include the file type. If a video is returned, it will return a poster of the video in the poster's original size. By default, mediLinksFormat is set to "browser", and does not need to be specified.

Parameter Name Description
secure Set to true to return secure https URLs for media links
imageSize Returns the requested size(s) for image links: small, medium, large or full
posterSize Returns the requested size(s) for poster of the video links: small, medium, large or full
mediaLinksFormat  Returns a secure link in its original size. Options are server or browser (default).


Image Link Section when imageSize is Requested

The image link will look the same as in the above response, but will add an imageSize to the links:

      "links": [
            "rel": "external",
            "imageSize": "small",
            "href": ""

Video Link Section when posterSize is Requested

      "links": [
          "rel": "external",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "external",
          "posterSize": "large",
          "type": "poster",
          "href": ""

Error Response Codes

The DynaMed search for articles endpoint can return one of the error response codes.