MEDS API Documentation Title



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Searching for Publication Types

The DynaMed GET /pubtypes endpoint returns a list of publication types.  The publication types can be used in conjunction with the search endpoint to conduct a search query.  Common publication types that can be used are conditions, images, or drug information.  There are two different forms of publication types used in the DynaMed API.  One publication type form is the "id" form which is typically lowercase and abbreviated in some cases.  The second publication type form is the "title" form which is a human friendly, formatted version of a publication type.

To Perform a Publication Types Search (example):

Gather the following information for the request:




    "_metadata": {
        "totalItems": 13,
        "links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": ""
    "items": [
            "id": "DynaDrugSummary"
            "id": "Image"
            "id": "approachto"
            "id": "condition"
            "id": "device"
            "id": "drug"
            "id": "drugreview"
            "id": "evaluation"
            "id": "lab"
            "id": "management"
            "id": "prevention"
            "id": "procedure"
            "id": "quality"

Error Response Codes

The DynaMed publication types endpoint can return one of the error response codes.