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Searching for DynaMed/DynaMedex Categories V2

The DynaMed API GET /content/categories endpoint returns a list of categories and optionally all of the related articles for a given categoryPath and its children.

To Perform a Categories Search (example):

Gather the following information for the request:

  • An access token. Please see Use the Client Credentials Grant for further information.
  • Your desired categoryPath.
  • A boolean 'shallow' to indicate whether you want a full listing from the categoryPath down to all its children.  The default is true.



It returns the list of Specialties at the topmost level.

Please Note:  If categoryPath is left empty, you'll only get the Specialties item back.  More than likely, you will want to at least start with Specialties.


  "_metadata": {
    "totalItems": 45,
    "links": [
        "rel": "self",
        "href": ""
  "items": [
      "title": "Allergy",
      "specialtyId": "Allergic_Disorders",
      "categoryPath": "Specialties|Allergy",
      "hasChildren": true
      "title": "Anesthesiology and Pain Management",
      "specialtyId": "Anesthesiology_and_Pain_Management",
      "categoryPath": "Specialties|Anesthesiology and Pain Management",
      "hasChildren": true
      "title": "Cardiology",
      "specialtyId": "Cardiovascular_Disorders",
      "categoryPath": "Specialties|Cardiology",
      "hasChildren": true
GET|Pulmonary Medicine&shallow=false

It returns the list of Specialties for Pulmonary Medicine, its children, and any articles for its decendents. A categoryPath is made up of the title from the parent down.  Spaces are allowed in the categoryPath. 

Please Note:  Children may also have children.


  "_metadata": {
    "totalItems": 16,
    "links": [
        "rel": "self",
        "href": ""
  "items": [
      "title": "Asthma",
      "categoryPath": "Specialties|Pulmonary Medicine|Asthma",
      "hasChildren": true,
      "children": [
          "title": "Asthma in Children",
          "hasChildren": true,
          "children": [
              "title": "Acute Asthma in Children",
              "hasChildren": false,
              "content": [
                  "id": "T919349",
                  "title": "Acute Asthma Exacerbation in Children",
                  "slug": "/condition/acute-asthma-exacerbation-in-children",
                  "links": [
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": ""

Error Response Codes

The DynaMed categories endpoint can return one of the error response codes.