MEDS API Documentation Title



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Retrieving Drug Article Table of Contents by Slug

The DynaMedex API GET /content/slugs{slug}/detail/toc endpoint returns the table of contents matching the slug provided.  The slug to retrieve is a required parameters for the endpoint.

To Get a Basic Article (example):

Gather the following information for the request:



The request above is for the table of contents for the article /drug-monograph/acebutolol.  Many DynaMedex endpoints return slugs in the form /pubtypeId/articleTitle.  The slug can be used, including the lead slash,  with this endpoint.


  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""
  "id": "1477",
  "title": "ACEBUTOLOL",
  "toc": [
      "title": "Dosing/Administration",
      "subsection": [
          "title": "Adult Dosing",
          "sectionId": "adultDosageSection"

Error Response Codes

The DynaMedex details toc endpoint can return one of the error response codes.